Myself, three other people from AIM, and Bryan were standing in the heat of a 62-year-old man’s hut. We were there to pray with him, and bring him some joy and God’s love. He is dying of HIV. Our focus was on him, with the exception of three adorable little boys with big smiles. But God wanted my attention on someone else also.

We were singing, or attempting to sing, and feeling overwhelmed by God’s greatness. I glanced outside to see the splendor of His creation in the African mountains. And I saw a woman wearing and apron and a small black hat. She stood far away from the hut but close enough to see and hear us, the crazy white people, singing with all we had, not caring if it didn’t sound good. I felt a need to touch her with a loving hand of God, to give her that invitation that says God loves her. So I tip-toed my way out of the crowded hut and slowly walked toward the nervous woman. It was clear she worked hard. I assumed she was the mother of the three boys, and possibly only 17 or 18 years old.
I gently placed my hand on her shoulder, praying that God would work through me to have an effect on this beautiful woman’s life. She smiled a nervous smile. I walked over to the hut and we stood at the door, praising the Lord. I sand to God with everything; I gave Him my off-pitch sounds and my never ending thanks. She clapped her hands and some of the English words with us, and and I knew God answered my prayer. After many songs, she said, “I love Jesus.”
I don’t know if she will have food in a year, but I know God is in her now and He is in their home.